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Gen. Assemblies

eurostar-science Statutes


Name and Domicile

The Name of the Association is: European Society for Applied Physical Chemistry, with the short form


The Registered Office of the Society in Basel, Switzerland.
Local branches of the Associations may be formed.



  1. The European Society for Applied Physical Chemistry pursues aims solely and directly of public interest. The Society restricts its activities to scientific exploitation. No economic gains will be pursued.                   

  2. The purpose of the Society is:

    1. to promote scientific and technological perceptions in the fields of Applied Physical Chemistry, as well as

    2. the promotion of education and formation.

  3. The aim of the Society will be achieved in particular by

    1. the realisation of scientific meetings and conferences

    2. the organisation of seminars, courses, and workshops.

  4. The Society represents no special interests and is non-profit making.

  5. Funds of the Society  may only be used for purposes as laid down in the Statutes.
    The members do not receive any donations.

  6. Nobody should be favoured through expenses, which are not related to to the aims of the Society, or through disproportionate compensations.


Business Year

The business year coincides with the calendar year.



Only personal membership is existing.


Acquisition and Loss of Membership

  1. Membership is voluntary and is open to scientists and researchers who are interested in the aims of the Society.

  2. Membership ends:

a) at the end of the business year, on receipt of resignation, notice having been given three months in advance of this date.

b) with suspension of membership by the board of directors, due to the membership fee not having been paid despite repeated reminders, or due to the Society's interests having been contravened. A suspended member has the right to appeal to the general assembly, where the decision is final.


The Rights and Responsibilities of Members

  1. The results of research projects that have been carried out in co-operation  within bodies of the Society are to be published and made available to the members.

    The responsibilities of the Society to the members is limited to the announcement of the publications of the Society concerning the research results in their fields of activity and work.

  1. All members are under obligation to pay a yearly fee.

  1. The capital raised by members and state authorities as well as by scientific activities  shall be used only for the purposes of the Society.


Society assets

  1. The costs incurred by the Society will be covered by the membership fee, by donations received and by benefits from scientific activities.  The assets of the Society are also a guarantee for deficits caused by scientific activities.

  1. Exclusively the Society’s assets cover the liability for all obligations of the Society. A member's personal liability is impossible

  1. In case the Society is dissolved or in case of a cessation of the hitherto existing aims, all assets accrued will be transferred to the “Deutsche Bunsen-Geselschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Frankfurt am Main” or to another organization with similar aims.


Executives within the Society

The executives within the Society are:

a) the board of directors

b) the general assembly of members

c) the audit commission


The Board of Directors

  1. The board of directors comprises a minimum of eleven and a maximum of seventeen members. They are voted for by the general assembly of members. The positions of the members of the board of directors is given by the general assembly.

The board will consist of the follows:

a) the president

b) two vice-presidents

c) secretary general / treasurer

d) 7 - 13 members

  1. The board of directors will form an executive committee comprising the president, the two vice-presidents and the secretary general.

  2. The appointment to the board of directors shall last for a period of three years. Re-elections are possible. Should resignation take place before the termination of their period of office, a successor will take the position.

  3. The board of directors determines who is authorised to sign and their manner of signature.

  4. Expenses related to the activities of the Society may be covered at the discretion by the president.

  5. The current board of directors remains in office after the expiry of its period of office until new or re-elections have taken place.


Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

  1. The board of directors heads the Society and promotes its aims. It is bound by all resolutions passed by the general assembly. It is permitted to make decisions in individual cases covering sums up to 10,000.- Euro. Payment of sums in excess of this amount may only be made with the previous agreement of the general assembly. This agreement can be given in writing when urgent matters arise.
  1. The board of directors must pass resolutions concerning:

a) suspensions of members

b) other awards and honours

  1. The executive committee conducts the operational business. Appropriate motions to the executive committee can be presented by members of the board  of directors  and  also by the general assembly.

  1. The board of directors is in quorum, if five of its members are present. Resolutions can be passed with a majority of votes from members present. The president has the casting vote should a tied vote occur.

A resolution may be passed in writing as long as no member demands a discussion and as long as a majority of all members of the board are in agreement with the resolution in question. Minutes are to be taken of every meeting.


General Assembly

  1. The annual general assembly (the meeting of all members) is called by the board and convenes normally once a year. The invitation to the general assembly must be sent out at least four weeks in advance of the date of the meeting, in writing, and a complete agenda must be enclosed. No resolution can be passed on agenda points that were not included with the invitation unless a request is made for the convening of a further general assembly.

    As an exeption, the general assembly must not convene during a yeasr with no scientific activities.

  2. Requests for a change in the statutes must be sent, verbatim, to the members with the invitation.

  3. An extraordinary general assembly can be called in the same manner as a normal one, at the request of the control commission or at the request of at least 10 members.

  1. The general assembly is the legislative body of the Society. It is entitled to the following, non-transferable authority:

  2. a) the approval of the report covering the previous business year

    b) the approval of the balance for the previous business year and of the planned budget for the current year, as well as the discharge of the activities of the board of directors, the management and the control commission

c) the election of the board of directors and the members of the 
    audit commission

    d) the determination of the annual fees

    e) the passing of a resolution concerning the membership of the 
    in an organization with related aims

    f) appeal against the suspension of a member

    g) changing the statutes and dissolving the Society.

  1. The general assembly will be chaired by the president or his representative.

  1. The general assembly is in quorum and able to vote regardless of the number of members present. They pass their resolutions according to the majority vote of the members present. The chairman has the casting vote in the case of a tied vote for a resolution. Tied elections are decided by drawing lots.

  1. Every member has one vote. No representation is permitted. As far as resolutions are concerned regarding the approval of the activities of the board of directors, the management and the control commission, no members of these executives are permitted to vote.


The Audit Commission

  1. Three members of the Society form the audit commission; one of these members serves as a substitute member. They are voted for by the general assembly. Re‑elections are possible.

  1. The members of the audit commission are responsible for the control of the balance of the Society. They must report to the general assembly in writing.


Minutes of the Meetings

Minutes must be taken of every meeting of the board of directors and of every meeting of the member's assembly. The chairman designates the secretary. The minutes are to be signed by the chairman and the secretary. The minutes will be taken and filed in German. An English edition must be drafted in due form for the members.


Change in the Statutes and Dissolving the Society

Resolutions concerning a change in the statutes and dissolving the Society require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast by the general assembly.

Accepted by the General Assembly of eurostar-science, November 21, 2005,  Pharmazentrum of the University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 50/70, Room 106, Switzerland

The President of eurostar-science
Dr. Erwin Marti

The Vice- President of eurostar-science
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre E. Grolier

 Annual fees for eurostar-science

according to Article 7 of the Statutes

  1. Membership and Membership Fee

  2. Members will pay a membership fee.

  3. Due Date

a) The membership fee falls due on receipt of the request for
    payment at the beginning of the calendar year.

b) The annual fee is also due for the member's year of admission.

  1. Amount of Membership Fee

Members pay an annual fee of 30,- €.

Accepted by the General Assembly of eurostar-science, September 21, 2000, Pharmazentrum, University of Basel.

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